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Zásady zpracování osobních údajů


Model amerického kongresu z.s., registered office at Příčná 1892/4, Nové Město, 110 00 Prague 1, IČO: 176 14 775 (hereinafter referred to as “we”), processes personal data of participants and those interested in participating in the AmKon project in the capacity of data controller or data processor. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at our e-mail address

This Personal Data Processing Policy (“Policy”) sets out the rules under which we will process the data you or a third party provide us. The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with Regulation No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (“GDPR”) and Act No. 110/2019 Coll. on the processing of personal data and other generally binding regulations.

When processing your data, we apply appropriate measures and procedures to prevent unauthorised access to your data and its misuse. Only a limited number of project organisers have access to your data, where each organiser has access only to the necessary amount of data, to the extent necessary for the proper operation of the project.  The processing of your data does not involve decision-making based solely on automated processing.

This Policy also applies to the data you also provideby filling out the registration forms for events organised by us other than AmKon in September.

Data we process about you

By logging in via Google Account to the AmKon app, we will receive from Google Cloud EMEA Limited your name, email and the profile picture associated with your Google account. The transfer of this data is governed by Google Cloud EMEA Limited’s data processing policy and is done on the basis of consent given to Google Cloud EMEA Limited.

You are providing us with additional personal data by completing and submitting the AmKon application form. In particular, we process your data for the purpose of fulfilling our commitment to participate in the project and our commitment to provide accommodation and meals for the duration of the project, and for our legitimate interests in:

  • our communication with each other
  • the day-to-day running of the project
  • keeping statistics and records of the operation of the project
  • compliance with our legal obligations
  • our compliance with our obligations under the terms and conditions of any subsidies, grants, donations and other support; and
  • ensuring the technical operation of the AmKon web application.

In summary, we process this data:

Data type Legitimate interest and the type of processing Time the data is kept for Legal title
Name and surname All of the above interests. Processed by entry into a database accessible to authorised persons. 10 years Necessary for the performance of the contract; Necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the relevant controller

GDPR Art. 6 b) & f)

Date of birth All of the above interests. Processed by entry into a database accessible to authorised persons. 3 years Necessary for the performance of the contract; Necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the relevant controller

GDPR Art. 6 b) & f)

Gender Only for the facilitation of accommodation. Processed by entering into a database accessible to restricted authorised persons and forwarded to the accommodation provider. 1 year Necessary for the performance of the contract

GDPR Art. 6 b)

ID number Only for the facilitation of accommodation. Processed by entering into a database accessible to restricted authorised persons and forwarded to the accommodation provider. 1 year Necessary for the performance of the contract

GDPR Art. 6 b)

Permanent address All of the above interests. Processed by entry into a database accessible to authorised persons. 3 years Necessary for the performance of the contract

GDPR Art. 6 b)

Phone number All of the above interests. Processed by entry into a database accessible to authorised persons. 3 years Necessary for the performance of the contract

GDPR Art. 6 b)

E-mail adress All of the above interests. Processed by entry into a database accessible to authorised persons. 3 years Necessary for the performance of the contract; Necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the relevant controller

GDPR Art. 6 b) & f)

Google Account profile picture Interest in functioning of the AmKon application. Processed by inserting into a database accessible to authorized persons. 3 years Necessary for the performance of the contract; Necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the relevant controller

GDPR Art. 6 b) & f)

Adress and name of your school Interested in keeping statistics and overview of the project’s operation. Processed by entering into a database and subsequent anonymization. 10 years Necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the relevant controller

GDPR Art. 6 f)

Transfer of data to third parties

Your data may be transferred to third parties, in particular where this is appropriate and necessary for the proper functioning of the project:

  • our members and collaborators
  • IT service providers
    • Google Cloud EMEA Limited
    • Slack Technologies, LLC
    • Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited
  • providers of accommodation, catering and other similar services at the project site, in particular Charles University
  • providers of grants, subsidies, donations and other support
  • providers of accounting, legal and other similar services

In exceptional cases, we may transfer your personal data to public authorities to the extent necessary, but only in accordance with the law and in circumstances where we are required to do so by law or where it is necessary to protect our legitimate interests.

Your rights

You have the following legal rights in relation to the processing of your data:

  • withdrawal of consent: as your personal data is not processed on the basis of consent, the right to withdraw consent does not apply.
  • the right to the erasure of personal data: if you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data and request its erasure, your personal data will be erased if:
    • your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected
    • you object to the processing of your data and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for further processing of your data
    • your data are being processed unlawfully
    • the legal obligation to process your data under the legislation has ceased
  • the right to restrict the processing of personal data: you have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your data if:
    • you contest the accuracy of the personal data
    • the processing is unlawful, but you have also refused the right to the erasure of personal data
    • we no longer need your personal data for processing purposes
    • it has not yet been verified that our reasons for processing and storing the personal data outweigh your reasons for erasing it
  • access to personal data: you have the right to know from us whether we are processing personal data about you and to obtain access to that data
  • rectification of personal data: you have the right to have incomplete personal data we process about you rectified or completed
  • portability of personal data: you have the right to obtain data relating to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have that data transferred to another controller
  • right to object: you have the right to object to the processing of your data for public interest purposes or for the purposes of our legitimate interest

You can exercise these rights by contacting Stanislav Kamenický, the executive director of the project at, or Petr Večeř, who is our member in charge of handling data protection matters between the effective date of this Policy and 30 September 2024, by contacting him at

If you believe that the processing of your data has violated a legal regulation or your rights, you have the possibility to file a complaint with the supervisory authority of the state administration, which in the Czech Republic is the Office for Personal Data Protection.

Any changes we may make to this Policy in the future will be published on this page. If appropriate, we will notify you of such changes by email.